good day sunshine

Over the past few days the sun has been making brief appearances, bringing me so much joy! It is wonderful to see blue skies as this month has felt particularly grey. I'm not completely wishing winter away yet but those dreams of spring are definitely beginning..

learning to focus..

...literally! It's taken me a little while to get the hang of my Pentax lens. Be patient and don't rush seems to be the key. Not always so easy in the moment but practice makes perfect.


I'm having the best time starting my days with this guy again!


happy new year! 

I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. I've spent the past few weeks enjoying having my husband in the same country as me. We spent the holidays with family and it has been perfect to have some down time with people we love. The start of a new year always comes with hopes and dreams for what it might bring. There are many things that I hope will happen this year, but life can be unpredictable and you never quite know how things will end up by next December. I have slowly been learning not to get caught up in worrying about the future and part of that is not dwelling on hypotheticals that may never become realities. For me it is also about trusting in God and his plan for my life, which is far better than anything I could plan. Considering this, I resolve to take each day as it comes and focus on living in the moment. So here's to another year of seeking the joy in every day moments and trusting that life will turn out the way it is meant to.

Do not be anxious about anything, but be prayerful and thankful, and the peace of God, which is beyond understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7