friday film

In four days we will be together again for the first time this year. I cannot wait!


Life has been a little crazy recently and in the midst of it all I have been so grateful for my little room where I can hide away and watch the sky change.

friday film

Looking forward to fun dates with my favourite this summer!

:: Loch Fyne, York, 2013 ::

five year reunion

Last month I went back to Nottingham for the first time since graduating and spent the weekend with a couple of friends from my course. It was strange to be back after all this time and still recognise certain areas so well. We took a walk around the beautiful campus and the lake, discussing how we never appreciated how green it is and how we definitely spent way too much time in the library. It was a fun trip of reminiscing and catching up with old friends. It also made me very grateful for my years spent there and the opportunity I had to study a degree that I enjoyed so much.