a very special day

Today is the birthday of my favourite guy. Happy birthday my love! I miss you.

life recently

The past few weeks have felt non-stop. My two week Easter break was jam packed with different activities and mini breaks spent with some wonderful people. This week back at work has felt crazy busy, with new challenges and not quite enough time in each day. But the sun has been shining all week and I have a free weekend ahead of me so I am looking forward to a restful couple of days. I hope you enjoy your weekend..whatever it may hold.

happy easter

Hope you enjoyed the Easter weekend!

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

silly faces..an experiment

This is my favourite use of my 4 lens camera yet. While on holiday with my family last year I had the idea to test the camera out as a photo booth. As you can see, the shots are recorded in an anti-clockwise U shape. The four shots are captured in about two seconds so we had to think of one face involving lots of movement instead of having time to pose for each one. The photos came out a bit over exposed but it was lots of fun and they remind me of that relaxed feeling you have on holiday which (in our case) leads to being a bit silly. Looking forward to more times like this with my family over the Easter weekend.